girl on guy 21: army corporal jeremy kuehl

November 10, 2011

when we talk about the wars in iraq and afghanistan, we talk a lot about numbers. number of troops in the field. number of years on the ground. number of dollars spent. number of american soldiers killed or wounded. we rarely focus on the actual soldiers, american men and women who have made intense personal sacrifices on behalf of our country, passionately and without complaint, often with deeply personal and irreversible consequences.

in honor of veteran’s day, i sat down with a young veteran and wounded warrior β€” army corporal jeremy kuehl β€” to talk not just about his sacrifice, but his life, his dreams, how he got here, and where he’s going. it’s a great conversation, honest, funny, unvarnished and real.

i hope it makes the meaning and impact of the overseas conflict a bit more personal for you, and I hope you enjoy it.

explicit content.
don’t play this for your mom.